- Towards a Personalized, Scalable, and Exploratory Academic Recommendation Service, was accepted to ASONAM'13
- TheAdvisor: A Webservice for Academic Recommendation, poster was accepted to JCDL'13
- Fast Recommendation on Bibliographic Networks with Sparse Matrix Ordering and Partitioning, was accepted to SNAM
- Diversified Recommendation on Graphs: Pitfalls, Measures, and Algorithms, was accepted to WWW'13
- Result diversification in automatic citation recommendation, was accepted to iConference Workshop
- Technical report on Diversifying Citation Recommendations
- Direction Awareness in Citation Recommendation, was accepted to DBRank'12
- A Comparative Analysis of Biclustering Algorithms for Gene Expression Data, was accepted to Briefings in Bioinformatics
- Fast Recommendation on Bibliographic Networks, was accepted to ASONAM'12